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Blog makeover

Some necessary improvements.

Blog makeover

After ages a life sign! I got some free time at my hands currently, so I can take care of my blog a bit, I guess.

I admit, I was looking for blog alternatives in meantime. I wanted something where I can do everything online, in some kind of admin interface. Details of my search are not so important, in the end it failed because of overall complexity, server requirements or a lack of multi language support. In the end, I decided to leave everything as-is.

A few updates I did do, though. A critical mobile fix, better hover effects on the homepage, and the about-section, formerly stuffed in the corner in a really awkward way, is now its own page. These are the visible changes for visitors.

Almost even more important are the changes under the hood, which simplify the process of adding a new blog post. I have to touch one file less, all files to be touched are grouped in one place, and I improved the README.MD in the github-repo, and added a small check list on top.

I'm pretty happy so far. Especially happy that the blog survived an "urge to redo". Maybe the blogsystem nomadism comes to an end now?

And since I am having a bit more time, as mentioned on top, it's possible that one or another project update finds its way into the blog.